Ever since a friend of mine had lent my Microdrive for his holiday, my camera counter was screwed up. It was set to an incorrect number, so I resetted the camera to start with 0 again. Every since, I renumbered the pictures on the PC.
I can’t remember who told me this procedure, but somebody told me: why don’t you put a picture on the memorycard with a correct number, then take a picture and see what the resulting filename will be. I can’t see any reason why I haven’t tried this very simple solution before, but it works. No more renaming files!
My S2 Pro counter has surpassed the 5000 mark. End of this month, I will have this camera for two years. My goodness, that’s a lot of pictures. You can see some pictures (albums will be filled slowly) here.
I do remember who that was 😉 You’re welcome buddy!