Feb 222005

Because of the ongoing S.M.A.R.T. prediction of a harddisk failure, I finally replaced the disk. First I connected the new drive to the system, partitioned it like I wanted (the old one has 3 partitions, and I liked that setup), and copied all data from the old to the new disk.

I shut down the system, disconnect the old disk, connect the new harddisk to the “old” cable and started Windows again. From within Windows XP I changed the new driveletters to resemble the old, and things are working like a charm now.

No more F1 when starting my computer. Yeah! And another 40GB extra, since I replaced a 40G with a 80G.

 Posted by at 23:42
Feb 222005

I’m creating an image-grabbing application, just for the fun of it. I ran into a problem on how to detect text was pasted instead of typed into a field (TEdit). Of course I tried the onChange, and when using that event things go fine when Pasting text (it’s fired right after the Paste action). But when typing into the same field, the event fires after every keystroke. Any hints?

Oh, it’s Delphi 6, so Win32 solutions please.

 Posted by at 00:55