Via the Oracle blogs I came across this excellent article about the alternatives to Point-in-time Recovery.
I especially like the way the redo-logs-files are read (it’s called logminer, introduced in 8i), to generate undo-information in the form of DML-statements.
Yeah right. Let’s migrate from Oracle to SQL Server. Of course a SQL Server DBA does know nothing about Oracle, so let’s do the migration automated. Thanks for pointing there, Eric.
Now I don’t want to start another Oracle vs. MS SQL Server war, but if your database (schema’s) can be ported to SQL Server, than you deserve SQL Server. Period.
What about:
– Multiple master replication?
– More than 8GByte of memory without needing another OS?
– Flashback queries?
– Virtual Private Database?
– Stored java-procedures/functions (.NET is on it’s way, earlier than SQL Server2005)
– External tables?
– More that 4GByte LOB’s? (Let’s store a SQL Server database in a BLOB!)
– Run on any OS besides Windows?
Shall I continue? Whatever! An Oracle database convertable to SQL Server should have been just that in the first place.