As you guys (any galls around?) know by now, I’m evaluating what to upgrade to. Currently I’m a Delphi 6 Enterprise user, and have the choice of upgrading to Delphi2005 or Visual Studio .NET 2003 (or 2005 if I wait any longer…) You’ve read my ramblings and I’m stabilizing in my choice (which is in slight favour of VS.NET on features).
When evaluating, one has access to Borland’s Delphi2005 Architect edition (available as download), and to Microsoft’s Visual Studio .NET 2003 Professional (available in seperate ways, I got mine from the free Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Resource Kit DVD).
Both Delphi and VS.NET come in several flavours, Delphi’s trial is their biggest, VS.NET’s is Microsoft second biggest (they also got an Architect version above Professional). When I’m trying either product, there is no way in the world that’s gonna tell me: you still can cope with the cheapest version, still the cheapest version, oh oops, now you need the professional version, still professional, compile->run, professional version is what I need for this kind of project.
Is there an analysis tool for either Delphi2005 or for VS.NET projects to tell you which version one needs? This tool (if it exists) would serve another goal: if you’re going to release your source (for whatever reason), you can tell the users: you need at least this-and-that version of the IDE.