Aug 052005

Oracle did not release the real thing yet, but a developers release for Windows. Basically it means the same thing as Early Adaptor release, or “we’re not quite sure, but we can’t let you wait anymore” release. Almost a month behind the Linux release, and still no production version!

Go to Oracle 10g page by clicking here.

 Posted by at 01:35
Aug 052005

If you received an errormessage trying to reach this blog (or trying to send mail to, than it should be solved (hey, you’re reading the blog now, so I guess it’s true!). My domains were expired. I thought DirectNic would send me an email when it was about to happen, but this year they did not. So I forgot. With me being employed by Sogeti, I’m not sure what will happen next year. But with the current dollar-euro-rate, I thought $30 for 2 domains was not something to worry about.

 Posted by at 01:21