Feb 152006
Although Shay works for Oracle, so he is a little biased, but you’ve got to admit: he’s got a point. A strong point. The Matisse-hype in the new Netbeans turns out to become a vendor-lockin(g) mechanism. You cannot modify the generated Matisse code other than visually in Netbeans. Not with another IDE or text-editor. Changes will be ignored and/or overwritten. Not something you would expect after all the drumrolls.
Read the whole review Shay’s referring to.
>>The Matisse-hype in the new Netbeans turns out
>>to become a vendor-lockin(g) mechanis
Not true. Nothing would prevent you from taking Matisse generated code and then continuing w/ that in in another tool, that would work fine. Yes you will not be able to go back to Matisse w/ your changes, but that’s not what the above mentioned statement claims.
We are considering to implement importing forms from other IDEs, that should solve the problem here that you’ve pointed out.
Okay, I stand corrected, but I guess that was my way of incorrectly phrasing it. So here you go: you cannot change the Matisse-generated code outside of Netbeans (w/ Matisse) without losing your changes when you go back to Netbeans.
That still sucks, if you ask me, no matter how you interpret it.