May 062006
While browsing Sun’s website to read more about Netbeans 5.5, J2EE 5 and Glassfish, I noticed that they used Winklets to demonstrate how certain things are done in Netbeans for instance. “Winklets?” you might ask. Yes, and I didn’t mean Viewlets. But if you know what Viewlets are, I don’t have to explain Winklets anymore. But to those who don’t: Winklets are small Flash-movies that are basically screen/mouse-movement-captures. Nothing new, you might say. True. But…Wink is free. Yep. Read more on their website.
Wink (or any other motioncapturing piece of software) is ideal for tutorials. Create some text that explains it in words and add a link to a Winklet so people can see what you mean.