Dec 282006

Gallery seems to be in working order again. I made an MySQL export in Windows before I took the plunge and installed Ubuntu. After importing the whole Gallery-database, the application did not recognize the data and said that it was not installed, or it just gave a big fat error. So I dropped the database, created the database with the installer from Gallery (empty) and though: now let’s import the data. And after numerous “table not found” errors in MySQL I saw what had happened. Windows does not care about case in filenames. So creating a database-table in MySQL results in a file in small-characters. When running Linux (or some other case-sensitive OS) size matters. So I dropped the empty database, imported my backup, and manually renamed the tables to proper casing. Pffew…that worked. I only had to recreate all thumbnails, and that was it.

 Posted by at 12:10

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