Feb 182007

At the moment I’m testing whether I can live without Outlook. I know I can’t synchronize my iPaq with Thunderbird, but I merely use the functionality other than for backup purposes.
When I started using Thunderbird, I had all my e-mail accounts in different inboxes. That’s not the way I like it (now) for all my accounts, so I moved some messages to the global inbox and other folders, and switched that account to “store incoming e-mail in global inbox”. It gives you a warning that you should move your e-mail there first, but I already did.
To my surprise, the e-mail I moved was NOT in the global inbox, but the other inbox was gone. WTF? Close Thunderbird and start again. Nope. No mail. SNAFU. Until I right-clicked on the Inbox and saw “Rebuild Index”. Right. Bloodpressure and heartrate are back to normal again.

 Posted by at 23:56