Jun 252007
Thanks to my colleague Wijnand for pointing me out that the XMLHTTPREQUEST security problem can be solved by using mod_proxy. As I was trying to show an Oracle Mapviewer map inside an APEX HTML region, I needed to proxy the mapviewer in the APEX Apache configuration.
ProxyRequests On
# Set to one of: Off | On | Full | Block
ProxyVia On
ProxyPass /mapviewer http://l-rsprinkhuizen:8888/mapviewer
ProxyPassReverse /mapviewer http://l-rsprinkhuizen:8888/mapviewer
At first I proxied to /mv to keep the typing (-errors) to a minimum, but that didn’t seem to work. Parts were showing, others parts were not. Then I changed the /mv to /mapviewer and everything worked. So there you have it: Mapviewer has a hardcoded path in some of its core!
This is exactly my issue. Can you walk me through the steps you took to solve this issue?
Hi Cindy,
If you enter the above configuration into Apache, replacing the hostname ‘l-rsprinkhuizen’ with your hostname, all you need to do then is to restart Apache. As stated, you must use “/mapviewer” as URL, since the software has this hardcoded in parts of the software.
Hope that helps.