Jul 292007

Well, not really an application, as you can see:

Flex3 test

The slider changes the text font-size, and the grid displays my weblog-feed. To be able to do that, you need to have a crossdomain.xml in the root of the webserver, so it only works for domains you can control.

 Posted by at 18:52
Jul 282007

Do you like the new style? I’m not completely with it yet. There are certain parts I like a lot, but there is a lot not to like too.

Crap. Already back to the old theme!

 Posted by at 01:50
Jul 262007

…to version 2.2.1. So if things screw up, you won’t read this!

Hope to see you later!

Update: seems to have worked. King-Text needed to be moved out of the widgets directory, and needed require_once widgets.php to be commented out.

 Posted by at 23:41
Jul 252007

Early this year, I skipped a week’s work because I could barely walk (without tears rolling down my cheeks) because of a terrible pain in my back (no, not *ss). Backache, is that a proper word? After a week of rest and painkillers, things went back to normal again.

About three or four weeks ago I started having backaches again. So I started taking the painkillers (ibuprofen) and muscle relaxers (naproxen) again. They seemed to help. A little. Until last week, when the pain really came back like earlier this year. So I figured: now’s a good time to see a doctor. I know, I know, I should have visited a doctor earlier.
Of course, my doctor was on vacation. We moved, but did not change our doctor yet, so I tried calling the nearest doctor here. Typical. On vacation too. So I called the nearest fysiotherapist. On vacation. Why not. I took me quite some time to get somebody not on vacation and willing to examine me within a reasonable short period of time. And waiting for one of them to call me back for an appointment, I was called by the first one I tried. Happily, the nearest one. They called on Monday, and I could come by later that afternoon. Great.

Diagnosis is not so great: sciatica, or in other words a nerve that’s being pressed on. Probably caused by a dislocated intervertrebral disc. The dislocation is common with people doing heavy labour, like construction workers. But also with people doing a lot of work sitting on a chair. Like me. I’m almost connected to my chair, and I must admit, I don’t always sit in the proper position.
Even worse, when when working at the clients office, not all of them give you a proper chair and desk that allows a proper posture.

So here I am, for the time being confined to being at home. Today I tried driving to work (darn, a musquito just bit me in one of my fingers) but that was not a good idea. I had to take some painkillers and muscle-relaxers when I got home and then allowed myself a little horizontal time…
Sitting down is difficult, standing up and going to sit down most of the time very painful, and lying down is best done for an hour at most (when not sleeping at night).

Advice on how to use the computer when lying down is appreciated. Computer is up-here, while the bed is down-there. Laptop has a lousy screen (1024×768 max res, but what do you expect from a Lenovo) so I’d rather not work on that thing too long. I don’t want eye-pain as well 😉

 Posted by at 00:17
Jul 212007

To still allow wp-hashcash to do it’s automagical version check, but to keep your site running, don’t change the value to something very large (999999999 as I suggested), but keep it in the range of a couple of days. The original period (86400) equals one day, so change it to something like 432000. That would be 5 days. Looking at feifei’s site, and their ping-graph, 5 days should be more than enough to re-establish a connection.

 Posted by at 13:04
Jul 192007

If your WordPress blog gives you a failure about curl_init and you are absolutely sure you have curl support enabled in PHP, and you are using wp-hashcash, than change the version check period.

Look for a line beginning with “if(!array($update) || empty($update[‘last’]) …

In that line is a figure “86400”. Change that to a very large number, like 999999999. That would be enough for feifei to get their site back up.

 Posted by at 20:16
Jul 172007

Last year I wrote in a comment that Flex is proprietary. One of the new features of Flex 3 (currently in beta) is that it will be Open Sourced, see this (old) press release. I think this is great news, since the degree of penetration of Flash on the desktop is extremely high, and the GUI’s you can create are stunning nonetheless. Have a look at what Laszlo already did by integrating Flash components into their AJAX framework, now Adobe makes its move!

So, I take back what I said about Flex. Flex is great. I’ll see whether I can whip up a demo on my server (if I can find the time, so bear with me)…

 Posted by at 21:55
Jul 142007

To switch a task in Ubuntu, you could do it the Windows way: ALT-TAB. You could also go to the taskbar in the bottom of the screen, and click the right icon. But there’s another way. Move your mouse to the taskbar so it’s visible. Now use the scrollwheel of your mouse. It “scrolls” through your running applications, just like ALT-TAB would do, but faster. And without touching the keyboard.

 Posted by at 12:19
Jul 132007

Just about 10-15 minutes ago, one of my neighbours decided it was time to drill a hole in the wall. Since the walls are made of concrete, I don’t have to tell you what kind of noise could be experienced in our house. At about 23:00 (11:00pm for you Americans). What are people thinking when they start drilling holes in walls at 23:00? “It’s just one hole, nobody will notice”? Please tell me, because I can’t think of anything stupid enough that would make me want to go to the garden-shed, get my drill, get the proper screws, drill a hole, hang something on that wall, and stow away all my tools again, when it’s night. What’s so urgent it can’t wait until tomorrow???

So people, when it’s dark, or getting dark, think about what you do. Does it make a lot of noise? Think about what you would want to hear from your neighbours at 23:00 hours. Nothing? Great, than don’t do the loud activity. Postpone until tomorrow. Still have an urge to drill? Well, get a hammer! Can’t drill with a hammer you say? Correct, I say. Now bang yourself on the head as hard as you can. Did that? Now do it again! Urge gone? No?? Repeat until it is. Something to stop the bleeding? Why? I think the world is a better place without you (since at this very moment, that fuck is drilling again)!

Thank you for listening. Now go do something quiet. Sleep in that pool of blood, or something.

 Posted by at 23:32
Jul 072007

I want to develop a little application for my mobile (and/or PDA) in JavaME, and it needs to store data. The data is not too complex, so I could revert to XML-files, but can you point me to some good, free JavaME databases? Open-source is a pre, but the “free” part has more priority 😉

The application will be created using Netbeans, so a Netbeans plugin (if applicable) is another pre.

Update: found McObject’s Perst, will try!

 Posted by at 12:17