Just about 10-15 minutes ago, one of my neighbours decided it was time to drill a hole in the wall. Since the walls are made of concrete, I don’t have to tell you what kind of noise could be experienced in our house. At about 23:00 (11:00pm for you Americans). What are people thinking when they start drilling holes in walls at 23:00? “It’s just one hole, nobody will notice”? Please tell me, because I can’t think of anything stupid enough that would make me want to go to the garden-shed, get my drill, get the proper screws, drill a hole, hang something on that wall, and stow away all my tools again, when it’s night. What’s so urgent it can’t wait until tomorrow???
So people, when it’s dark, or getting dark, think about what you do. Does it make a lot of noise? Think about what you would want to hear from your neighbours at 23:00 hours. Nothing? Great, than don’t do the loud activity. Postpone until tomorrow. Still have an urge to drill? Well, get a hammer! Can’t drill with a hammer you say? Correct, I say. Now bang yourself on the head as hard as you can. Did that? Now do it again! Urge gone? No?? Repeat until it is. Something to stop the bleeding? Why? I think the world is a better place without you (since at this very moment, that fuck is drilling again)!
Thank you for listening. Now go do something quiet. Sleep in that pool of blood, or something.