Sep 182010

Yesterday (well, last night) I was driving home from Groningen to Barendrecht, and switched on Navigon for the first part of the road and to see at what time I would be home (the estimated arrival time). I had the Milestone hooked up on the car’s USB-port to charge it, and was driving home quite happily, listening to David Guetta’s party on SlamFM. Of course the stereo was on 22 (which I can tell you is considerably louder than is good for me).
At a certain junction on the highway I wanted to make sure I took the right (as oppossed to wrong) lane, and looked to my Milestone to see what Navigon showed. To my suprise, the Milestone was blank. Black. Switched off. I turned on the Milestone again, only to see the Motorola “M” after which it died again. WTF?! Putting the car on cruise-control, I opened the back of the phone, checked the battery, replaced it, only to find that the phone would not even show the “M” anymore… My Milestone just died! It was still more than an hour driving, so I could not check anything else than I already had checked.

At about 3am I was home, I hooked up the Milestone to the charger, and it immediately responded with the charging-battery-icon. Phee-ew! When I checked later this morning after I woke up, the phone was properly charged and in 100% working order. Pheeeee-eeew!

Lesson learned: having Bluetooth for the carkit and GPS and the screen on all the time means that USB-charging is not enough to compete with the battery-drain……..

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