Oct 302011

I’m in the process of replacing the faulty Western Digital MyBook World Edition II. It was slow from the beginning, and it doesn’t start up from time to time now since it has a faulty disk. Yesterday I bought a MyDitto (by Dane-Elec) and installed a 1GB Seagate Barracuda (7200.12) in it.

The MyDitto is much faster. Probably because it has a gigabyte LAN-port. Copying to it while viewing pictures on it with F-Spot is a no-brainer, just like the viewing is the only thing being done. Pretty impressive for a (for now) 1 disk setup.

One thing that I would like to share. I’m copying my backup DVD’s of pictures to the MyDitto now. I found that a lot of DVD’s have unreadable files on them. No faulty disk, since the access to it is no problem, the files are just empty. So gotta review my backup strategy. Backup AND VERIFY! Or backup twice. Not sure yet.

UPDATE: it seems that my BluRay drive is the problem. I am now copying the DVD’s from my laptop (normal DVD-rewriter) without errors.

Oct 292011

The first time I watched The Interpreter it was a different time. I was different. Watching it for the first time made me look different. Made me look at Nicole, and forget about the movie. A blond Nicole, and for the first time I think I loved it.

This evening I watched The Interpreter for the second time. On bluray, which I bought this week for only 4 euro’s. A strange price for such a movie.

Second times are different. Or maybe I am different. Nicole was as beautiful as ever, that will never change. But this time I got it. This time I did cry. You don’t always get a second chance. Some things only happen once in you life. I guess that’s what made me cry.

Oct 182011

Pfff….finally. It was something that was long overdue, but I’ve setup my mailserver to allow sending mail after succesfully logging in. Done with SASL of course. Updated all the passwords in my MySQL database with the correct encrypted ones, fiddled around with the SASL-database (it needs to be copied for some reason after modifying it), and now it works. The reason of course was to use the switchbl8.nl domain for sending mail from my mobile phone (which is not on my local network, so by default isn’t allow to relay mail to other domains).

Most important change is also that my passwords are not send plain/unencrypted anymore…

Oct 172011

Yesterday I switched from ADSL to cable internet, upgrading the line from 6/1Mbit (max 20 means 6 where I live) to 60/6Mbit. Unfortunately I don’t have a fixed IP address anymore, but there are ways to work around this. I choose DynDNS Free to take care of that problem. Easy peasy!

When you can read this, it means it works 😉

One thing I have to do later is upgrade my router, since I now basically have a 20/6Mbit connection now because my router only has a 100Mbit LAN port, and the internet modem then caps the connection. Not sure why, but a speedtest revealed that.