Nov 122014

In case you missed it, Microsoft created a free version of Visual Studio 2013, named the community edition. You can create free or paid apps (and more), with restrictions when you use this version within a company. No such restrictions for the individual!

Download Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition

Thank you, Microsoft.

BTW I like this checkmark:

Visual Experience options

Visual Experience options

Nov 092014

I edited /etc/sudoers without visudo, and made a mistake. That will prevent you from successfully using sudo again. No real harm done, but it takes rebooting to get it fixed.

1) reboot in recovery mode (press escape when booting so the grub options are shown)
2) drop to a root shell (option in the recovery menu)
3) mount -o rw,remount /
4) visudo (emacs based editor)
5) reboot the system

You should be up and running again!