Aug 102004

If you’re into gaming, then go get Doom3. If you’ve never played Doom before, you’ll be thrilled by the awesome graphics, the neat effects and every bit of detail in the game. If you are like me, playing FPS games since Doom, then you’ll be happy to find that the chainsaw made it to this version of Doom. “Now find some meat”.

Be sure to get the latest drivers for you videocards: I was one version behind and had some nasty hangups, but after upgrading things runs smooth. Albeit that my P4-2.6GHz with 1GB RAM and a ATI Radeon 9600Pro only allows me to play on 1024×768 High Detail. Higher resolutions or switching to Ultra High Detail makes the game choppy. And we don’t want motion-sickness, now do we?

Get the latest ATI drivers: here
Get the latest NVIDIA drivers: here
Get DirectX 9.0c: here or here

And while you’re at it: pre-order one of these!

 Posted by at 09:08

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