Jun 082004

Pfffff….back to “normal” operation again. In trying to get back to the right combination of settings, I only made things worse: Windows did not start at all anymore. Jikes! I started from the Windows XP disk, went for “Logon to exisiting installation” and saw that Windows reversed the drive letters of the IDE partitions: I was F and F was I. So….back to the BIOS, enable one of the two drives, and yes, there she blows was again. Reboot and enabled the other drive again, and now things are back to normal. WITH the annoying S.M.A.R.T. error message.

I must tell you: seeing messages like “NTLDR not found”, “Invalid system disk”, “Press any key to reboot” or just a blank screen when you expect the Windows XP login screen is as scary as it gets.

 Posted by at 23:39

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