Mar 262008

I trying out Adobe’s Lightroom. It has a 30 day trial, so I need to test fast. Lightroom by itself is a very nice product, so I will end up buying the product (gotta save for it first). The later versions of Lightroom (1.3+) can be extended. That is, the export functionality has been SDKed, so when you select pictures (by keyword, by date, by metadata, whatever) and you hit the “export” button, the functionality there can be added to. Somebody created a Export to Gallery script. Very neat, since that’s the software I use for my online pictures. Of course, it didn’t work, the script gave some authentication error.

After looking at the script (it’s in Lua, so very readable code) I figured it had something to do with the old version of the Gallery software I was using. Mine was still 2.1.something, the latest version is 2.2.4. Reading on Menalto’s site, I learned that upgrading from 2.1x to 2.2.x is just a matter of copying the files over the original ones and browsing to the gallery, where the software will automagically present….the upgrade wizard.
It did. Mind you, I backed up the original folders, so I could go back. What a joke, I thought, this has never failed me. So, the upgrade wizard is about to alter the database tables, where it presents you with the command to dump the database. Just in case things go wrong. What a joke, I thought again, but did it anyway. After mysqldump was finished (without errors) I clicked “Next step”. Next to me, I can hear the disk in the server doing its job. And after a few seconds…..I have a very nice error message with some debug information on my screen.

This is where the near heartfailure starts to kick in.

WTF?! I made a dump of the database, but I don’t even know how to restore the s.o.b.!!! Sweat starts to develop on my forehead.

The last message in the debug area is about altering table g2_Getid3PropsMap and not finding it. Great. Let’s do a find in the install-directory and see if there are any files CREATING the table, so I could manually do that. Nope. Let’s go up one folder to the main gallery folder and redo that find. Nope, nothing there. Great. GREAT! What now?
Google for “g2_getid3propsmap table does not exist”. No results. OMG. Google doesn’t know about it. I’m f*cked.
Login to MySQL. Show tables. Long list of tables, and to my surprise, the table in question is there. Or is it? No, it is not! Thank you Menalto.

mysql> alter table g2_GetId3PropsMap rename foo;
mysql> alter table foo rename g2_Getid3PropsMap;

Thank you Menalto, for changing the case in one of your tables.

For the record: resuming the upgrade wizard by refreshing the page in the browser, and things ran fine until finished.

 Posted by at 01:03

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