Jun 022008

My sister has a Jura espressomachine. It does everything automatically, so you only have to put in coffee beans and water, and then select the amount (30-240ml) of coffee and how strong (normal, strong, extra strong) you like it. That’s it. She and her partner tried a lot of different coffee beans and now have a couple of favorites. I regularly go there. Not to see her, but to drink her delicious coffee 😉

Today I bought a Jura of my own. Not a new one, since I don’t have the money for such an expensive machine, but a refurbished one. It’s the older version of the model my sister has, but it works like a charm and the coffee is almost as nice. Almost, since my sister is not always there to enjoy a cup with me…

For the record, I now own a Jura Impressa E75.

 Posted by at 20:35

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