My employers


This is a map that shows my employers, current and from the past. (not complete yet)

Employers - 2020

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Merkator B.V.: 53.204195, 6.589693
Olbico B.V.: 52.334696, 4.933335
Transfer Solutions B.V.: 51.894123, 5.093264
Sogeti: 51.947719, 4.546331
Speedit B.V.: 51.923315, 4.469165
Vanderlet B.V.: 52.090601, 5.233253
IntellinQ: 51.911521, 4.478927
Ordina Nederland B.V.: 52.056600, 5.111430
Nextview B.V.: 51.410700, 5.456590
 Posted by at 12:35

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