Jun 262011

Annoyed by Firefox’s pop-up saying “Download Complete”? Well, I was. It’s not a small window just in Firefox, but it’s an OS (in my case Linux) window, so it blocks everything underneath. Just for 4 seconds (the standard alert time in Firefox), but annoying nonetheless.

So, type ABOUT:CONFIG in the address-bar, and type alert in the search-box. You will see several keys that you can change, but the one that you want is:


Set it to false (by double-clicking) and you’re done.

Jun 262011

I was frustrated about not having Firefox 4 on my desktop, so last week I decided to upgrade OpenSuSE. I still used 11.2, so I figured I’d upgrade in two steps. First to 11.3, second to 11.4.

The upgrade to 11.3 went rather smoothly, apart from the fact that I did forget to include the NVidia repositories, so I did not get X up and running the first time. No biggie.

The upgrade to 11.4 should be simpler, I guessed, since I just succesfully upgraded to 11.3. To my surprise, I could not even get the system booted. The problem? For some reason my drives all got mixed up, so the /dev/sd[abcde] references where all wrong. What I eventually ended up doing, was a cat from the grub/menu.lst, sed-ing the correct /dev/disk/by-id-references in it, so it booted. Next I could “vi” my fstab, and changed all the references there. Reboot again. Pffffff….. Now it works.

Couple of things though. To use samba-shares, in 11.4 you have to disable Novell’s AppArmor, since there seems to be a bug that effects samba.

Another thing is the squeezebox server software. I had to actually uninstall and reinstall (a newer version while at it) it, to get it working again.

VMPlayer needed a higher version as well, but that was not a problem at all.

So, I now run 11.4.

Jun 172011

Just updated WordPress to version 3.1.3, and of course all stuff inside it. Let me know if that broke things.

Jun 172011

When installing the Android development toolkit on Windows, you might find yourself stuck on the second screen on the wizard, because the installer can’t find the JDK you installed. The following is not a joke. Press BACK to go to the title screen, press NEXT to return to the second screen, and….voila. The installer found the JDK. Remember, this is NOT a joke.

Jun 172011

Oracle released SQLDeveloper version 3 a while ago. One of the new things is the support for Spatial. If you right-click on a table you will see “spatial” as the last item in the context-menu.

But my my my. We all know GeoRaptor is *the* plugin for SQLDeveloper when it comes to spatial. Now Oracle in all its wisdom tried to create the same thing. Mind the word of choice: “TRIED”.

Dear Larry, go party on your boat, watch IronMan2 or something, but leave software development to people that actually get it. Thank you Simon.

May 122011

I have been struggling with a databinding problem in WPF/XAML. To have some screen fields automatically update a class, I bound them to instantiated class (let’s call that myEmpData). In the XAML file I defined the path and source for each component to point to the class and a property in that class. The pitfall is that this creates a scoping problem. I could see the validation rules do their work, since my textboxes turned red whenever I entered incorrect values. But the underlying class was never changed. Or so it seemed.
I found out that you have to define your binding source as high as possible, I did it within the PAGE definition. Binding textboxes (or other components) to this source only requires you to specify the path. Now it works!

Apr 112011

So now that the underdeveloped world has installed Firefox 4 for 32-bits Windows, where is the promised x64 version? Yes, there is is nightly trunk version, but where is the release? Why oh why is 32-bit still the main development platform? Early adopters have x64 systems, early adopters are consumers that have the latest hardware (and they don’t mind testing), which by the way has been x64 for the past 7 or 8 years approximately.

WTF! Oh wait, there’s an Android version now. Right. Like I want a slow browser that eats away 40MB just to start on my GSM? Why embrace a new market when you don’t even have the capacity to keep up with the current clientbase?

Mar 152011

Yihaaaa! Froyo for the Motorola Milestone (the European version of the Droid) is out. I couldn’t get it via Settings->Systemupdates (yet), but I downloaded it from the Motorola website and will do a manual/PC install. I’ll keep you updated….

Feb 282011

Last weekend I finally filled in the forms to end my company RaRe IT Services. Yes, it has been in existence for more than 10 years, but I’m not using it for over 6 years now. But keeping it does cost money and a lot of (taxes) paperwork. So I decided to call it a day, and sent in the forms. It’ll take a while before everything is processed, but the end is near…

Update 14-03-2011: last Thursday I got the confirmation from the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) that per 1-1-2011 RaRe IT Services ceased to exist.

Feb 162011

It seems that switchbl8.nl now resolves to the correct IP-address. Probably for some time now, but life distracted me from the important things like setting up a new domain!

I’ll try to setup the new domain later this week, and redirect the blog to the new domain.