Dec 082007

I come a little late to the party, but Gravatar has freed up most of their previously paid features. You can now have multiple e-mail addresses and more than two avatars without having to pay for it. So….go here.

 Posted by at 14:31
Dec 082007

There is a new (labs) version of Flash Player 9, but still….no x64 support. What a shame for such a big company. It’s a fucking LABS release, so give us the x64 version and WE will play with it for you. Hey, we might even call it testing in the field and give you back some feedback.

The idiots themselves test on a Pentium4 system running at 2.33GHz with 128MB (yep, megabytes) of RAM and 64MB VRAM. To play HD content. Are they braindead? Why in the world would you want to play HD content on a crippled system? If you have a HD TV, you should as well be able to pay for the right hardware to drive it. Or else you buy a normal tabletop player, not a PC.

Adobe is so not of this world. Their money did Macromedia not much good, that’s for sure.

 Posted by at 02:42  Tagged with:
Dec 042007

One of my dear friends has passed away. He has never ceased to amaze his medical staff, since he was one of the few people with a transplanted heart that lived longer than anyone expected. At 10 years he knew that every day, every month, every year would be considered “overtime”. Since then 86 years have passed.
In his last moments, he had a lot of pain. So I hope, not that he believed in that kind of stuff, that he is in a better place now.

Sjoerd, you will be missed. Thanks for being such a remarkable person. Someone that will never be forgotten. Never.

Nicole, you know where to find me if you need any support.

 Posted by at 11:49
Nov 212007

I’m learning Python and I really like the power of the language. Scrolling through my RSS-feeds, I found a post by Krys Wilken, pointing to an old (2004) post about the fact that Python is not Java. How true, still.
Whilst doing the Python Challenge, the solutions are often scripts with only a handful lines of code. And bear in mind that I’m no Python expert (yet), so the code could probably be optimized even more. Cool stuff!

 Posted by at 14:20
Nov 212007

Still in the newbie stage, but learning Python…. A very good “tutorial” to learn Python, is the Python Challenge. To work your way through the riddles, you need to know more and more about Python. Some riddles can be solved with Unix commandline tools or with other (scripting) languages, but the intention is to use Python. Tomorrow I wil start to work on challenge 7. Challenge 6 drained me. It was NOT obvious how to solve the puzzle.

 Posted by at 01:14
Oct 252007

Great. Lightning (Mozilla Thunderbird calendar support) version 0.7 was released. For Windows, Linux and Mac. Windows 32 bits and Linux 32 bits. No sources available, so even for the advanced user (that knows how to compile the Mozilla stuff) no 64-bits support. Guys….this SUCKS. BIG TIME.

It think it’s time to ditch the whole Mozilla crap and look for something else. It started out great, but lately Mozilla’s (lack of) organization is having a very negative effect on the products.

 Posted by at 23:22  Tagged with: