Feb 102007

After migrating my server to Linux, I also tried to do something about the non-existent URL’s. The previous installation had some old websites, but they where never updated. Since I did not migrate them, quite some 404’s started to come up in the logfiles.

I already had quite a number of RewriteRules in place, but for some reason the Rewrite-logfile remained empty. Not sure why, but the logfile was called “rewrite_log”. I checked the httpd.conf and located the logfile. Same name. But whilst here, why not change it to rewrite.log. Restart Apache. New logfile rewrite.log was created. I deleted the old. To test, I opened my browser and pointed to an URL that should be rewritten. Well I’ll be damned! It works. And the logfile grows….

 Posted by at 23:45
Feb 082007

I’ve had my share of DNS problems. My own, but also providers that screw up. Now there is OpenDNS. DNS servers free to use for everyone. That’s a great service. But that’s not all. It also catches phishing-sites and warns (paying) customers when they are trying to visit one. Last but not least it tries to correct your typing errors. If you type www.mycompany.og when you meant .org, OpenDNS will try to correct that. Neat!

So switch now, and start using the following IP-addresses as your DNS server:

If you have any questions, you can always read the FAQ. But honestly, what is there to ask?

 Posted by at 12:23
Feb 032007

As a thingie to enhance my PHP knowledge (I can read it, but writing is something else) I’m creating my own photo-gallery application. I just started two days ago and can only work on it in my spare time, but I have the following in place now:

  • PostgreSQL server installed; user, tablespace and database created
  • Basic tables for users and their albums created
  • Index page in PHP, basically displaying a login when you first access it, or the entries in the albums table when logged in
  • Login page in PHP, checking the supplied username and password against the users-table in the database
  • Logout page, destroying the session and return to the index-page like you first accessed it

To do:

  • Store passwords as md5-hashes (or something) instead of plain-text
  • Create an Items table (detail-records of albums table)
  • Create an Item_types table (picture, movie, etc)
  • Display pictures!
  • Create a Tags table
  • Create an Item_tags table (link between Items and Tags)
  • Functionality (->page) to link tags to items (preferable AJAXified)
  • Create tags-based search page
 Posted by at 02:22
Feb 022007

I must admit, this add-in or powertoy or freeware utility whatever you like to call it, is neat. Photo Info integrates into the explorer, accessible via the context menu. It also provides more info in the tooltip when you hover your mouse over a picture-file.

Photo Info supports JPG, TIFF and Nikon- and Canon-RAW files. Enough for most people.

 Posted by at 13:13
Jan 302007

On my birthday and the day Microsoft announces Windows Vista and Office 2007, I feel obliged to point you here. It’s the least I can do. Please leave a comment if you can think of a reason (a software package, or something else) that keeps you from moving away from Windows (or Office).

 Posted by at 17:56
Jan 262007

When you do some work for too long, or you do work you like too much, the work will change you. You will do things in your personal life as you would at work. Or you start liking other things or other people. This guy actually has “design disease”. Follow this link to see what I’m talking about. I hope he does not find a cure, since I like what he does.

 Posted by at 15:28
Jan 262007

…but only if you have a Home-Edition or MediaCenter-Edition. So if you’ve paid the extra bucks for the Pro Edition (which I did) you get less support. What’s that all about? A so called “companies have the cash so they should pay for the support of home users” motto? What about: a company has some several hunderd (if not more) installations of Windows XP, you know what: we’ll give them free support until 2014, just like the Home-users. Of course not: nobody would believe that to be a viable marketing strategy.

I think Microsoft marketing personnel is the best. Worth their weight in gold. No, double that. But still they are the reason why Microsoft sucks.

Update: I suck. MS extended the support on Home/MCE to match the support of Pro. So I guess that’s okay 😉
See this press-release.

 Posted by at 12:18