Jan 252007

All sorts of sites cannot be reached at the moment. Not sure what’s going on. Sun’s site is there, so is Oracle’s, but Google.com shows this beauty in my browser:

 Posted by at 23:41
Jan 222007

Switching to FastCGI for Hiki turned out to be no viable option, since the Apache logs still shows errors, now from mod_fastcgi. So, the wiki is disabled, until I have found and installed something I like. At work we use MediaWiki, so perhaps I’ll just run that. Other wiki’s seem too immature, lack proper security-features, run their own webserver, or have just too many features that it’s not a wiki anymore.

 Posted by at 21:48
Jan 222007

My Hiki installation is here. But sometimes when I go there, I get a server-error as response. Like: site cannot be found, or something. Refreshing it sometimes works, but sometimes I need to refresh a couple of times to finally get the wiki page. It’s not the server or the disk being busy, since other pages work fine. My best guess was that it would be the Apache -> Ruby integration. Where else then the Apache-logs to look for that? And the errorlog proves I’m right: a big stackdump or whatever it is with references to mod_ruby. So I’ll have to either switch to FastCGI or have to look for a non-Ruby wiki (of which there are so many that you’d think that everybody on this planet wrote one).

 Posted by at 02:56
Jan 212007

My WordPress theme BinaryBlue has a feature to show the comments in a paged way, so the serverload would be less than when displaying all comments everytime. Looking at my Google sitemap stats, I saw that most URLs (if not all) that resulted in a 404 contained “comment-page-1”.

So I viewed the weblog, opened an entry with comments and looked at all the links on that page. The URLs pointing to the individual comments all have something like “comment-page-1” in them. But clicking on them will give you a 404! So I went back to the administration panel and went into the BinaryBlue options, since that’s the theme I’m using (WordPress does not have paged-comments by default, you have to install a plugin for that). I disabled the AJAX-paged-comments, and voila….it works. No more dead-links.

 Posted by at 01:12
Jan 172007

Browsing around, I found some info about software to create a photoblog. Most weblogsoftware can include pictures, but with photoblogsoftware it’s the other way around: the posts can include text.
One of the photoblogs I’ve found perticularly interesting is this one, the sidekick for the main blog: zusjezusje.nl, a photoblog about his two daughters. WOW! This is one talented photographer!! And judging by his watch, he (or someone close to him) has connections with Fortis (bank)… 😉

 Posted by at 23:31
Jan 152007

Since I don’t use Windows as my server OS anymore, I was looking for a replacement of FlexWiki, which is a wiki written in ASP.NET. Since I want to learn some Ruby, I looked around for a wiki written in Ruby. Hiki is what I have found. It’s very simple to install, the website even gives instructions on how to enable Ruby pages in Apache. But I already did that (the CGI and the mod_ruby way).

For now there’s only the standard FrontPage (in Japanese), but I will gradually fill it with real (English) content.

Hiki does not use a database, but flatfiles instead. That explains the easy installation: download, unpack, modify data-path in the config file, run. Hiki is a try-out for now. My previous wiki suffered from a lot of spam. The open nature of a wiki allowed to modify pages anonymously, and so spammers used it to put links to their sites (with all sorts of NSFW content). If hiki can’t be protected enough, and spammers find their way to it, I will shut it down or replace it with something more secure (and perhaps not Ruby).

Update: just enable the plugin “edit_user.rb” and you can create users and disable anonymous edits. So I did.

 Posted by at 23:07
Jan 132007

No, I’m not tagged. And I’m not going to write about 5 things that people did not know about me. I’ll save them for when the context permits to write about them. Or not at all. So what’s the title “5 Things” about? Well, I present you the 5 reasons why bloggers participate in these memes.

1) they have nothing else to write about, and don’t want to be silent for too long
2) they’re just like sheep: everybody else does it, so “me too!”
3) they think we want to know about kisses in highschool, secret admirations, fuck-ups in previous jobs, at what time they get up in the morning, or that they like their jocks to be ironed.
4) they think that meme’s are a game
5) they think that by sharing five things nobody knows about, that makes them unique

And there is only 1 reason why participants “tag” other bloggers. Simple: now that they took the plunge, they want to get even and dare others to do the same.


 Posted by at 18:08
Jan 132007

Lately I noticed that most music I played showed up as being “mono” in WinAMP. Today I clicked on some music and it opened Mediaplayer (for some unknown reason, since it should have opened WinAMP, but hey, it’s Windows). The music was in stereo. I closed Mediaplayer (just don’t like it) and started WinAMP. The same file played in mono.
I opened the options dialog to look whether I accidently configured something in a way it shouldn’t but could not find any anomaly. So whilst downloading the latest version (5.32) of WinAMP I uninstalled the current (5.0x). I left the skins directory intact, but removed everything else the uninstaller could not remove (mainly the plugins directory).
After installing the new version, WinAMP plays stereo again. Very strange.

 Posted by at 15:20