Oct 202006

You watch commercials, right? And you skim through the occassional glossy, right? Did you ever wonder why every single girl looks stunning? No imperfection, no character in their expression, nothing to comment on? Except perhaps the lightning crew could have done a better job?
Have a look at this movie (by Dove) and see how girls get to be so pretty.

 Posted by at 00:34
Oct 172006

Yesterday I installed forum software. Because I use WordPress for my weblog and like that very much, I decided to give bbPress a try. Very simple install, very clean layout, but…a little too immature. So I installed the good-old phpBB instead. A very simple install too, a rename of two folders, a change of a couple of settings and you’re good to go. Not sure how phpBB integrates with WordPress. There are hacks out there, but I’d rather have a proper plugin.
phpBB is supposed to work with an Oracle database, but my webserver runs MySQL at the moment, so I used that.

 Posted by at 16:01
Oct 122006

There is a lot of stir-up about Google’s CodeSearch. There is code to be found that’s better not found or used at all. One example being a WinZip keygenerator. I’m not going to include the search as a link (you people are smart enough) for obvious reasons. But the code found actually does compile into a working generator.
I tested it in a fresh Windows XP installation (in VMWare) that did not have WinZIP yet. I installed it, ran the new program and pasted the generated registration information into WinZIP. Voila: a registered version.

Mind you: I legally own all software mentioned in this post. I only ran this exercise because I was curious to see whether it actually worked. It did. I deleted the registered version of WinZIP afterwards.

 Posted by at 01:35
Oct 072006

I just bought a Tokina AT-X Pro 12-24 f/4.0 lens for my Canon 350D. In Belgium, because none of the shops in The Netherlands had the lens on stock. I’ve played with it a little and it seems like a promising lens. I’ll post some results in my gallery soon.

 Posted by at 19:43
Oct 012006

Yesterday I was working with OpenOffice.org. I have it installed for ages, and have upgraded it numerous times, but never really took the time to use it with real work/documents. Until yesterday. What I immediately liked about OO.o is the autocomplete feature. When programming in an IDE, most developers now and demand autocomplete. Especially when working with Java and its long classnames, one can not imagine a world without it. Now that feature can be had in your wordprocessor too. Why on earth did I not switch earlier to OO.o?

 Posted by at 21:10
Sep 242006

I just downloaded and installed the latest Opera, version 9.02. I had read that Opera had problems with PDF-files, because they are rendered (default setting) in the browser and not in an external reader like Adobe Reader. This was supposed to crash Opera for some people.
At the time of downloading and installing, I was reading an ADF tutorial by Oracle, so I thought: why look for a PDF-file online, when I already have a link handy? So I copied the URL from FireFox, and did a Paste&Go (nice feature) in Opera. To my surprise, the PDF was shown at exactly the same spot as I was in FireFox. How neat is that? Not sure how Opera did that, but it’s a nice trick.

 Posted by at 01:03
Sep 232006

After many months of beta’s and RC’s, Python 2.5 finally reached the Production Release status. This document describes the changes from version 2.4 One of the highlights is the proclaimed performance increase of the new version.
Download here.

 Posted by at 13:37