I suck. Reading manuals is not my thing. Reading Install.txt will do up until 50%. So, I installed a new version of PHPMyAdmin, decided to leave to old one for what it was and created a new config-file via the new wizard-like setup pages. That worked just fine. I could even save it. But I could not log in to MySQL, with or without password. Changing localhost to the ip-address and back because that did not work. So people, to save you all the trouble of trying, retrying and trying again. After creating the config-file via the setup-wizard, remember to COPY it to the main PHPMyAdmin directory. It’s in the documentation you know!
The commentspam on this weblog was increasing the last couple of weeks. This is not a high profile weblog, but the commentspam peaks at 10-14 per day. Askimet catches it, but I still have to delete it. So I installed some countermeasures. Most can be found on this page. Let see how things work out.
Steven Feuerstein (of PL/SQL fame) wants to meet president Bush. Personally, I think that the theory he wants to proof wrong is right. But then again, I’m from Europe.
I’ve played around with Python a bit, but never really made something with it. I’m not sure why, but despite the fact that it’s a powerfull language, it just doesn’t feel like something for me. Perhaps it’s the Cobolesce whitespace that you need in continued lines of code, I don’t know.
Yesterday I started playing around with Ruby. Or JRuby to be exact, but JRuby is (albeit not 100% finished) compatible with the original Ruby language. As might have guess, JRuby is a Java implementation of Ruby. With some samples on the internet, I found that you can make a (very simple) webserver. Here is the code.
require 'webrick'
include WEBrick
s = HTTPServer.new(:Port => 8181,
:DocumentRoot => "c:/web/docroot")
trap("INT"){ s.shutdown }
This codes uses the (standard as of Ruby-1.8.0) WEBrick package. As you can see it is very simple to use. We define the port the server should run on, we define the folder where the documents should be retrieved from and then we issue the “start” method. It already understands indexes, so if you place and index.html inside the specified folder, it will be served to you if you request the root.
Some explaining. The “require” statement imports the specified package or library. The “include” statement saves your from typing “WEBrick::” before each WEBrick statement. The object s is created as an HTTPServer instance, with port and document-root passed as parameters. Next the trap statement is used to catch the INT (interrupt, or CTRL-C) event, and the command executed when caught is “s.shutdown”. In other words: pressing CTRL-C stops our webserver.
Next the server is started. That’s it.
I’m impressed. My company is an Oracle house, so we work with Oracle products. But that doesn’t stop me from trying other (Open Source) alternatives, now does it?
I tried the JBoss Application Server a long time ago, and was impressed by that time already. With release 4.x things are even better.
Today I tried to install JBoss Portal. Easy. Download, extract, create a database user in the database you like most, modify the supplied database descriptor file, copy the JDBC driver of the database to the JBoss AS directory-structure, copy the SAR-map and the modified descriptor file to the JBoss AS directory. And start JBoss. Wait for the Portal tables to be created and on my machine JBoss didn’t start in 12 seconds, but in 48. Because it had to auto-deploy the Portal-application and create all the needed tables in my Oracle database. WTF? That’s awesome. The Oracle AS (WITHOUT portal) doesn’t start so fast on this machine without having to change its setup.
A new JBoss fan is born.
Sheep-Poo paper. Nice touch: their banner implements the old “sheep.exe”: you can drag the sheep around and drop them whereever you like!
What’s even funnier: they collected an award! Read the BBC News article.
Finally. There’s a stable version of IronPython, the .NET implementation of Python. You need the .NET Framework 2.0 (1.x is not good enough). Users with Windows XP SP2 should be fine.
IronPython allows the use of all .NET assemblies as well as CPython libraries. Best of both worlds? See for yourself at Codeplex, IronPython’s home.
For years I’ve used Nedstat as statistic counter for my website/weblog. The free version, since it’s only to see how I’m doing. My weblog does not have any commercial purposes.
Since some time (can’t remember how long) the Nedstat icon also created a pop-under window with ads. I don’t like that, and I assume that you -my readers- don’t like it either. Finally I found something to replace it. You don’t see it, it doesn’t require javascript, and it’s not client-side but server-side. And it’s freeware. Not all the bells and whistles Nedstat gives you, or other stat-counters, but it’ll do for me. It’s bbclone, and it’s written in PHP. As they call it: “A PHP based Web Counter on Steroids”.
Integration into WordPress was a bit of a pain, but it finally works. At one point you have to specify the path to bbclone software, so it knows where to get the icons and other stuff from. I always assumed they meant an URL-path, but it turns out to be a normal directory-path on the disk.