Jul 122006

For some reason unknown to me, I was just treated to a churchbell-concert of about 10 minutes. Mind you, it’s now 23:56 (11:56pm). A bit of an unusual time for a churchbell-concert, don’t you think? If somebody from here (center of Rotterdam) knows why the hell (pun intended) there are churchbells at night, please let me know.

 Posted by at 00:01
Jul 052006

Most people have piles on their desks. Piles of paper, piles of magazines, piles of books. Loads of CD’s and DVD’s around their monitor. Or on it for that matter. So why not organize your desktop or the files on your harddisk the same way? But then a little different, but only slight. Watch this video. The software BumpTop itself is still a prototype, but you can read about it here (with hi-res versions of the video).

 Posted by at 00:20
Jun 242006

Opera 9 is here. It’s a very good new version, but what I don’t like:

  • you cannot drag&drop your toolbars (like in any other program)
  • you cannot right-click a link and open-in-new-tab (like in FireFox)
  • it automatically sorts bookmarks that are grouped in folders. I want it to remember MY order.
  • no del.icio.us buttons (it’s a FireFox extension)

What I do like:

  • Copy a link and then Paste&Go
  • Quick Preferences (F12)
  • Close button on every tab (just like JDeveloper)
  • Thumbnail preview of the page when hovering over a tab
  • Tabs close in the order they were opened
 Posted by at 00:23
Jun 162006

Yesterday Mustang (Java SE 6) beta 2 was released. I like the fact that it supports scripting. And of course JDBC 4.0. Read the top 10 features here.

 Posted by at 11:33
Jun 072006

AJAX is the buzzword lately. And it will be for quite some time, I guess. But JavaScript used to be very underrated before AJAX became such a hype, and it shows in IDE support. A lot of text/html editors know the JavaScript syntax, but when it comes to codecomplete or even debugging, it seems the webdeveloper is left out in the cold.
Oracle’s JDeveloper only has syntax-coloring support for JavaScript. Netbeans has a (third-party) module that does basically the same. What other options are there? Is Visual Web Developer a viable option? And which ones are in the “affordable/free” range? Please comment.

 Posted by at 23:20
May 292006

Yesterday, I went to see The Da Vinci Code, the movie version of the Dan Brown’s bestseller. When you’ve read the book and you liked it, the movie will be disappointing. The movie is not very close to the book, mainly to keep the movie within a reasonable length.
If you haven’t read the book, then by all means see the movie. It’s a very good movie. Tom plays a very convincing Langdon and Ian (we all know him as Gandalf) shows he can play a human part a little too well (no I won’t spoil). Jean Reno is a bit disappointing I think.

The Da Vinci Code
 Posted by at 23:12
May 252006

If you don’t have your own server to run an image-gallery, you’ll have to divert to gallery-service-providers. Most of them have very limited storage if you don’t want to pay anything. Care2 Connect (currently in beta) has a gallery-service with unlimited storage. At the moment they’re hosting over 1.3 million images!
Care2 Connect runs the Gallery software, that’s how I discovered them: I’m about to upgrade my Gallery to the latest version. Gallery has a remote Java application that enables you to bulk-upload (and other things) your pictures, that’s why I choose Gallery over CopperMine.

Gallery update: done. View here.

 Posted by at 17:59
May 232006

I just wrote my first Apache RewriteRule. Instead of redirecting every specific link from the old weblog (b2evolution) to the main page of the new one (you’re looking at it), I wanted to jump to the new location. So I rewrote the URL with Apache’s RewriteRule to the new location. You can have a try with these links:

With my httpd.conf now containing 3 Virtual Hosts, mod_aspdotnet, Redirects, RewriteRules, mod_jk (for Laszlo, only started when I need it), what does that make me? An Apache Adept? An Apache Guru? Or just some bloke that does not like IIS? 😉

 Posted by at 23:32