May 222006

Because I keep track of the statistics of this weblog, and because I did switch the URL of the weblog a couple of times, I noticed that several searchengines and other hits where still trying to reach old addresses. So, I modified the Apache configuration to redirect requests for several old URL’s to at least point to something that exists. Until then, the busiest day on my weblog had 68 visitors. Yesterday had 80 visitors, today will end with 128 or 129 visitors. Wow. Who would have expected that?

Lesson learned: turn your back on old software, or try-outs, but REDIRECT!

 Posted by at 00:01
May 202006

Codehaus, currently in the news for Grails (Groovy on Rails), is recovering from the ISP move. They had an unknown ISP, that could keep up with their growing, so they switched to Contegix. Slowly all of their servers are surfacing again. Watch this space.

 Posted by at 12:36
May 122006

The Java EE 5 SDK is here! Please note that Sun stopped referring to it as J2EE, but now calls it Java EE. Finally.
The SDK includes the Application Server Platform Edition 9 (Glassfish).

 Posted by at 13:12
May 122006

The Netbeans team has released 5.5 as a beta to the public, so no more nightly builds to test the new features. The download is about 41 Mbyte for the IDE, or 88 MByte if you go for the Enterprise Pack (includes Glassfish, some modules and a starterkit). Unfortunately, the Enterprise Pack download is still the Early Access version, so we have to wait for that a little more.
This beta needs Java 5 (obviously), and J2SE JDK 1.5+ will do.

 Posted by at 01:16
May 112006

After all the hype of Ruby on Rails (RoR), it’s time for Rails in a proper language: SQL on Rails. Released early last month, strange that I missed this one.

 Posted by at 09:49
May 062006

While browsing Sun’s website to read more about Netbeans 5.5, J2EE 5 and Glassfish, I noticed that they used Winklets to demonstrate how certain things are done in Netbeans for instance. “Winklets?” you might ask. Yes, and I didn’t mean Viewlets. But if you know what Viewlets are, I don’t have to explain Winklets anymore. But to those who don’t: Winklets are small Flash-movies that are basically screen/mouse-movement-captures. Nothing new, you might say. True. But…Wink is free. Yep. Read more on their website.
Wink (or any other motioncapturing piece of software) is ideal for tutorials. Create some text that explains it in words and add a link to a Winklet so people can see what you mean.

 Posted by at 18:39
May 032006

I’ve used Opera for some time, and but in the end didn’t like the way it rendered some websites. So I switched back to FireFox. But what I always missed, was the fact that Opera remembered what websites I had opened on my tabs. The FireFox extension SessionManager does just that. And more. You can save at a moment you want the state to be saved. Or you could unclose an accidentily closed window. Check it out, it’s cool.

 Posted by at 00:53
Apr 292006

In the old days, when I started my career, the serious work was done on dumb terminals. The where nothing more than a display with a keyboard, connected to a mainframe or mini-computer. The displays where character-based (mostly green or amber colored), no graphics, no mouse. At that time, the PC gained momentum, and also Microsoft Windows became usable. WordPerfect (now Corel) came with a graphical version, Microsoft released Word.
Work shifted from the terminals to the PC. In the transition phase, a lot of people would have a terminal and a PC on their desk, but the terminal disappeared fast: terminal emulators took over. Not long after that, the client-server architecture was born. No need to starting a terminal-emulator anymore, just start the client-server program to enter your data. Because they ran on Windows, the C/S applications had a much richer user-interface and one could use a mouse to point-and-click.
PC’s and C/S applications soon became the nightmare of most system-managers. The so-called DLL-hell. Newer programs required newer libraries, but not all older programs would work with the newer, or the other way around. And every supplier used it’s own network-protocol/port it thought suited best.
C/S applications are still widespread, and they will be around for some time to come. But with the more recent evolvement the web technology has been through, application developers are pumping out web-applications. Advanced webpages that allow you to do your work via a webbrowser, like FireFox or Internet Explorer. Why? No DLL-hell, since you only need a webbrowser. And simpler roll-out of new versions, since you only need to update the application on the webserver (application server) instead of every PC that needs it.
But the HTML language has very little support for tasks like entering data. The webapplications don’t have the rich user interface we were used to with traditional C/S applications. And there’s another thing: the web is stateless/connectionless, whereas C/S has a dedicated statefull connection to its data.
In the last couple of years, this shortcoming of webapplications has been solved. Webapplications can maintain state, and several webframeworks give you an interface as rich as traditional C/S. At the moment there are a lot (A LOT!) of webframeworks. Some very good, others very small and task-specific. But they all work from your browser, once the developer created and application with it and deployed it on an application server.

Unfortunately, application servers don’t all work the same. So a webapplication developed for one, might not work on a second. If we only count the big names, there are about 8 of them. And there are lot more if you count the little ones as well. Multiply that by the number of webbrowsers. We have 4 important ones. That’s 32 combinations. Developing an application that works on all of them is no simpel task. So webapplications mostly work on one or two ASes and if you’re lucky with all webbrowsers.

Why is it that we massively embrace the webapplication hype? Do we really like the webinterface? Or do the developers and the systemmanagers tell us they are easier to use?

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had some sort of old-fashioned C/S tool that used port 80 and that would be suitable for not only one task but for several. I don’t mean a webbrowser, since it only renders HTML pages. I mean a real application that understands buttons and dropdownlists and stuff, but that communicates to a server or application serer with a standard protocol. Like say, over port 80 in HTML. That would mean a general client for Windows, Linux, Mac and Solaris. It would download the application info in XML format (like a web.xml) and with that it could render the application. Client side.

But what GUI toolkit would be the toolkit of choice? There are so many toolkits. Or a client with several toolkits in one, so the user can choose? Like an advanced form of skinning? And what components should the toolkit support? Would a standard grid ala Excel suffice, or do we need one that supports coloring, sorting and grouping-by-dragging?

I’m not sure where we are heading (or for that matter: where this post is heading), but as a developer, I live in an interesting era.

 Posted by at 19:45