Apr 112006

Welcome to WordPress. This blog is converted to WordPress. I looks so much more professional, and it is a lot faster than b2evolution is. And it has a WYSIWYG text-editor.

What I like:

  • admin interface: looks better, and works better
  • WYSIWYG post editor
  • preview mode (the whole weblog-page) when editing
  • speed
  • themes (much more, and much nicer)
  • mass comment editing mode (deleting spam is easier)
  • Pages: can be used for articles or so. Integrated in the blog, but not part of it.

So….what are you waiting for? Switch to WordPress.

 Posted by at 14:11
Apr 052006

ITToolbox has a comparison between Oracle 10gR2 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Things like “setup and configuration”, “day-to-day administration” and “backup and recovery” were looked at. Oracle wins in some categories by saving a significant amount of time or number of steps to do things. So, let’s have that white-paper (you have to register first), I thought. And that’s where I found out that the white-paper was sponsored by….Oracle.
Microsoft has been accused several times in the past for influencing tests. Either by sponsoring them, or by conducting the tests themselves. This Oracle white-paper is no different. Do take a look at the comments of the article on ITToolbox.

For some reason B2Evolution does not let me enter the URL for the white-paper: invalid URL. It’s NOT! Here it is in plaintext:

Update: Found it: ITToolbox is blacklisted centrally by B2E. Sorry about that. Fixed it locally.

 Posted by at 08:55
Apr 032006

Apache Derby, the 100% Java database is now Sun supported and they named it JavaDB. JavaDB has a small footprint (about 2MByte), but is fully transactional and secure. Read more about JavaDB here.

 Posted by at 14:42
Mar 262006

Finally Oracle discovered how powerfull Python is. See this blogpost or the complete article in pdf-format by Catherine Devlin about it. It does not explain Python, but it demonstrates what you can do with it when combined with Oracle. To connect to Oracle, she uses Computronix’ Python extension module, but if you can live with an ODBC connection, you won’t be needing that.
Read more about Python db-extensions in Linux Journal.

 Posted by at 18:49
Mar 242006

Way ahead of Microsoft’s initiative to “give” us an online version of Office, the people at Linspire (Linux looking like Windows) give us ajaxWrite, an online word-processing application. Written with (you guessed it) the latest web-hype…erm…technology Ajax.
Their intention is to release a whole office-suite over the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye on their site (or mine). Best of all (you guessed it again): it’s free to use.

 Posted by at 07:30
Mar 212006

Okay, short version. Try to add a connection to a MySQL database in Oracle’s JDeveloper. I’m no expert in JDeveloper, nor JDBC to MySQL, so it took me a couple of (non-working) tries before I reverted to the Fine Material (as in: RTFM) and Google to discover that adding a JDBC driver/connection to MySQL is not a very intuitive task. It took me 20 minutes.
After playing around with the new (working) connection, I decided to try the same in Netbeans 5.0. I saved on the download and the extraction of the MySQL Connector/J archive, so let’s try to complete the task in 19 minutes. Well, actually it took me 30 seconds to add a working connection to MySQL and another 20 to my Oracle instance. Why? When you want to add a connection to a database, I want to do that in the databases-branch. I don’t want to Maintain Libraries, look for the correct syntax of an MySQL-jdbc connection, and finally repeat half of the process when defining the actual connection. Click to Add driver, Click to add connection, Click to logon. That’s how it should work. Netbeans passed with flying colors.

 Posted by at 00:11
Mar 212006

I just entered a rather big rant about JDeveloper and Netbeans. B2Evolutions complains about “host” (yes I used that word), so I press “back to post editing”. Gone. Thanks B2E. Thanks a lot.

 Posted by at 00:02