Jun 242013

Last month, I started to run with the Zombies, Run! app. Actually, the Zombies, Run! 5K training to be exact.

This is my result sofar, of which I’m proud, since I didn’t skip any mission, not even when I was tired or it was bad weather. In this short period of time I ran in tropical heat and in rainy weather!

ZombiesRun - sofar

Next week the missions start to get really challenging (for me), since the intervals will have longer running periods than resting periods.

Jun 132013

I’ve never been a real fan of the Eclipse IDE, so Google moving away from it and changing the development environment to IntelliJ IDEA seems a good thing. There’s an early access preview version for those interested. Get version 0.1.1 here, but bear in mind that it’s not feature complete yet.

Jun 102013

Funny. Just to have some sound and some movement in the background, I turned on the TV and stopped zapping on a channel with CSI:NY. All the latest equipment, super cool gadgets, user-interfaces nobody has ever seen, but still…..they connect their monitors to the PC with…..the famous blue VGA connectors? No HDMI or DVI or DisplayPort, just the age-old VGA connector.

Jun 042013

If you need to use Google’s tiles in LeafletJS, you can follow the same URL structure as OpenStreetMap. The tile servers are mt0 .. mt3, and the XYZ are specified a little differently. Here you go:

L.tileLayer('http://{s}.google.com/vt/x={x}&y={y}&z={z}', {
            subdomains : ['mt0','mt1','mt2','mt3'],
            attribution: 'Tiles Courtesy of <a href="http://maps.google.com" target="_blank">Google</a>',
            maxZoom: 18
May 302013

I bought a Sennheiser/Adidas PMX 680 today, so I could finally “test” Zombies 5K. First the unpacking and connecting the headphone of course, it’s a nice thing.

So I changed into my running gear, changed some settings in Zombies 5K, and started listening. Yes, listening. Zombies 5K (and also Zombies, Run!) is a novel, a game and a training assistant in one. A novel, because it tells a story about a zombie-infected world. A game, because you are a runner (Runner 5) in that infested world and you need to do tasks/complete missions to proceed. And of course, it’s a training assistant because you guessed it: you can only complete missions by physically running!

First mission I thought would be easy, but I never do interval trainings, so after the mission I was more exhausted than my regular training. But I felt good about it, and the story and game is such a great addition to running, it actually makes me WANT to run more. But….doctor Myers gave me a day of, so I will run on Friday!

Check their website for more info on Zombies, Run!

Apr 142013

In my last post I said Grid did not support FullHD mode, but with a little tweaking it does. Grid is an older game, and it probably can’t read all the hardware info from the newer graphics cards. Mine has 3GB of RAM, but the restrictions in Grid won’t allow you to go beyond a width of 1280 when your system has less then 270MB. So Grid must not understand 3000MB.

Here’s how to change the config files. Make a backup of each file first, in case you screw things up.

1) c:\steam\steamapps\common\Grid\system\hardware_settings_restrictions.xml
Find the line containing:

<res mem="270" maxWidth="1280" />

and change the value of maxWidth to 1920.

2) {userdocuments}\Codemasters\GRID\hardware_settings_info.xml
Add the 1920×1080 resolution by adding the following lines:

<resolution width="1920" height="1080" aspect="normal">
    <refreshRate rate="50" />
    <refreshRate rate="60" />

3) {userdocuments}\Codemasters\GRID\hardware_settings_config.xml
In the graphics_card section, change the resolution settings to something like this:

<resolution width="1920" height="1080" aspect="16:9" fullscreen="true" 
            vsync="1" oldWidth="1920" oldHeight="1080">
    <refreshRate rate="60" />

Start GRID. It should work. It will ask you if you want to keep the new resolution of 1920×1080 and after that you’re good to go. Have fun.