Sep 182012

I created an AVD of Android version 4.1 with the Google APIs. I wanted to emulate my Galaxy Nexus, so I gave it the proper memory and resolution. Upon starting the AVD, this error comes up:

Failed to allocate memory: 8

Turns out I cannot use the Nexus screen resolution, and need to switch to a lower resolution to be able to start the AVD. Not sure why, but I thought you might want to know about this workaround.

Sep 122011

This is a post to say that I created a -very basic- WFS client on Android. It gets point-features from GeoServer in GeoJSON format and displays them on top of a Google Maps view. You can only zoom in and out, and pan the map at the moment, but I made it work. YEAH!

Sep 092011

I’m creating a Maps applicition on Android. I had my location in an ItemizedOverlay, displaying a man-icon (similar to the yellow streetview marker). Then I wanted to add a layer with markers, so I created another ItemizedOverlay. But I can’t seem to add that to my MapView. As soon as I do that, I get a Forced Close.

Changing the first ItemizedOverlay to a MyLocationOverlay does not do the trick, the FC still kicks in as soon as I try to add the second overlay. I must be doing something wrong…….

Update: the initial code was created very late at night. And then things get mixed up. Don’t use before instantiate….DUH. Needless to say, it works now 😉

Jun 172011

When installing the Android development toolkit on Windows, you might find yourself stuck on the second screen on the wizard, because the installer can’t find the JDK you installed. The following is not a joke. Press BACK to go to the title screen, press NEXT to return to the second screen, and….voila. The installer found the JDK. Remember, this is NOT a joke.

Mar 152011

Yihaaaa! Froyo for the Motorola Milestone (the European version of the Droid) is out. I couldn’t get it via Settings->Systemupdates (yet), but I downloaded it from the Motorola website and will do a manual/PC install. I’ll keep you updated….

Sep 182010

Yesterday (well, last night) I was driving home from Groningen to Barendrecht, and switched on Navigon for the first part of the road and to see at what time I would be home (the estimated arrival time). I had the Milestone hooked up on the car’s USB-port to charge it, and was driving home quite happily, listening to David Guetta’s party on SlamFM. Of course the stereo was on 22 (which I can tell you is considerably louder than is good for me).
At a certain junction on the highway I wanted to make sure I took the right (as oppossed to wrong) lane, and looked to my Milestone to see what Navigon showed. To my suprise, the Milestone was blank. Black. Switched off. I turned on the Milestone again, only to see the Motorola “M” after which it died again. WTF?! Putting the car on cruise-control, I opened the back of the phone, checked the battery, replaced it, only to find that the phone would not even show the “M” anymore… My Milestone just died! It was still more than an hour driving, so I could not check anything else than I already had checked.

At about 3am I was home, I hooked up the Milestone to the charger, and it immediately responded with the charging-battery-icon. Phee-ew! When I checked later this morning after I woke up, the phone was properly charged and in 100% working order. Pheeeee-eeew!

Lesson learned: having Bluetooth for the carkit and GPS and the screen on all the time means that USB-charging is not enough to compete with the battery-drain……..

May 052010

I have my Motorola Milestone for just over a month now. It’s my main addiction now, so I guess that sums things up quite nicely.

Here’s some (free) software I would like to recommend to you.

1) K-9 Mail. This is how a mailclient should work.

2) Dolphin Browser. The best browser. Period. Forget Opera Mini. Don’t even think about Fennec. Install Dolphin and be happy. It has tabs and gestures. It knows RSS. It has theme-support (but there are none yet). It can switch User Agent to fool those braindead IE-only websites. And most of all: its cache is stored on SD (configurable, but why would anyone not want that?).

3) Jorte. Great calendar app. Has widget support.

4) Air Horn. Just for fun. Download and annoy the others!

I also have paid software. One is Navigon (navigation software). The other is PDANet to tether to my laptop. I could have choosen for the non-paid version, but that doesn’t support secure-connections, so I paid for it.

What I don’t like about Android, is that silent-mode also disables the vibration-mode. You have to enable it by hand. How annoying. Other than that it nothing but gooooood! Buy Android, forget about the rest. No, you don’t need Outlook.