For the Unity tutorial I am following (to create a simple networked FPS game), I created a very low-poly character, rigged and animated it. So in Unity I have an idle animation when I’m not moving, and a running animation when I am. The model was very simple, so I wanted to practice rigging and animating a bit more. Grant Abbitt has a nice tutorial in which he creates a character by just using some cubes and some icospheres and just slightly modifies them. The result is still very much human like, but there are no features or details.
I started with the head and gave it a little bit of shape. Like Grant did. Next the neck. A cylinder. Done. The body. Oh well, that’s when things went south. Or not, depends on your point of view. I didn’t stick to the slightly modified primitive shapes but began modeling a proper body. This is the final result. Not simple, and not very simple to rig (had a lot of trouble getting the pigtails to work), but I love the result. Have a look yourself!