Aug 022013

I never knew that there was Linux support for SQLServer, but it turns out that there is a JDBC 4.0 driver for it that can be used in GeoServer.

From the download, put sqljdbc4.jar in the tomcat/lib directory if you only want JNDI connections, or in the GEOSERVER/WEB-INF/lib directory if you want connections that can be defined in GeoServer as well.
Download the sqlserver plugin for GeoServer, and put the jar file (in my case gt-jdbc-sqlserver-9.3.jar) into the GEOSERVER/WEB-INF/lib directory.

Now restart Tomcat (or just the GeoServer webapp if you don’t want JNDI connections). Now create a new store. Be sure to open up port 1433 on your Windows firewall, or otherwise GeoServer can’t reach it.

Sep 122011

This is a post to say that I created a -very basic- WFS client on Android. It gets point-features from GeoServer in GeoJSON format and displays them on top of a Google Maps view. You can only zoom in and out, and pan the map at the moment, but I made it work. YEAH!

Sep 072010

The GeoServer team “released” GeoServer 2.1 beta, you can read about it on this page. Especially the WMS-cascading and SQL-layers sound very promising. But the icing on the cake perhaps are the WPS capabilities. I wonder if the commercial vendors are as enthusiastic about this release as I am…. 🙂

Nov 042009

If you’re a happy GeoServer 1.7.x user, then seriously consider upgrading to GeoServer 2.0. It’s a lot faster, its menu structure is a lot better, the UI is much improved (with a touch of Ajax here and there). I found some minor issues (which I’m looking into before raising my voice), but nothing that should keep you from updating.

I run GeoServer in Oracle’s OC4J 10gR2 (the standalone development version), and it runs without any problems. Since the OC4J is declared dead, I will be looking into deploying it to Weblogic, but that’s a completely different monster to conquer…

Sep 072009

Finally, it works. I found some new samples on the OpenLayers site and some posts in the mailinglist that OpenLayers.Layers.WFS just plainly sucks. Indeed, so I experienced. Instead the writer suggested to use OpenLayers.Layer.Vector and give it a type WFST. So I googled around for some samples, found one, modified it, and….voila….no more empty geometries in the database. YEAH!

Sep 062009

Yesterday I installed JBoss 4.2.3 and deployed Geoserver 1.7.6 to it and installed the OracleNG plugin. Unfortunately, after setting up the Oracle datastore and some features, inserting via WFS-T still resulted in an empty geometry in the database.

SVN access to the OpenLayers trunk gives an error at the moment, so I guess I’ll have to do some further testing with the 2.0RC of Geoserver.

Aug 222009

I tried Geoserver with Oracle 11g, and still I get empty geometries inserted into the database. With Firebug I can see that the GML sent is correct, it contains the correct geometry information (in this case: point coordinates), but the receiving end fucks it up. Not sure whether the OracleNG plugin for Geoserver or Openlayers does the fucking up, but I suspect it is the plugin.

Aug 042009

Dear all,

I’ve been struggling with Geoserver and Oracle as a datastore. In a webpage that uses OpenLayers, I’m trying to use the WFS-T features. Don’t get me wrong, WFS works great. That is, the read-only part. WFS-T works great with shape files. WFS-T works great with PostGIS. But the same page, same WFS-server (my local Geoserver) with Oracle as a datastore just inserts empty geometry columns (NULL). When making the geometry column “NOT NULL” Geoserver and/or OpenLayers just inserts a point with 0.0,0.0 as coordinates. Which is NOT where I clicked on the map (0.0,0.0 isn’t even close to being visible on screen).

So, anyone got WFS-T with an Oracle datastore working? I’m using Geoserver 1.7.5 on Tomcat 6.0.something (latest as of now), OracleNG plugin, OpenLayers 2.8 (local, not the hosted version). With Firebug I can see that the GML being sent in the POST command is CORRECT, i.e. it shows the correct coordinates. Somewhere along the line these are discarded and NULL or 0,0 (depending on the column definition) is inserted.

Change to PostGIS (with almost the same table definition, that’s the beauty of PostgreSQL) and everything works like a charm. PostGIS + Geoserver + OpenLayers is a killer combination!

Let the comments pour in……