Mar 312015

You know how internet surfing works. You read something, click on some links, and finally you don’t even know where you came from. Anyways. That made me try WildFly, the AS formerly known as JBoss AS.

And you know the drill. Download zipfile, unpack, goto bin folder and start. Browse to localhost/something.

Can’t find the console. Well shit.

Do you have an NVidia videocard in your system, and did you install all the drivers and stuff? You probably have NVidia Networks Service as one of you running processes. Kill it. Now restart WildFly and browse to the console.

You’re welcome.

Jan 262015

I have a new job! I will start at IntellinQ at February 2nd (since the 1st is on a Sunday). My main concern will be the GeolinQ application, at first a requirement of the import-module and later more.

Today I met everybody in the company/team already, and look forward to working with all of them. IntellinQ is Rotterdam based (Vasteland 78, in the HNK Rotterdam building), so that will save me from the endless traffic jams I can never get used to.


Aug 022013

I never knew that there was Linux support for SQLServer, but it turns out that there is a JDBC 4.0 driver for it that can be used in GeoServer.

From the download, put sqljdbc4.jar in the tomcat/lib directory if you only want JNDI connections, or in the GEOSERVER/WEB-INF/lib directory if you want connections that can be defined in GeoServer as well.
Download the sqlserver plugin for GeoServer, and put the jar file (in my case gt-jdbc-sqlserver-9.3.jar) into the GEOSERVER/WEB-INF/lib directory.

Now restart Tomcat (or just the GeoServer webapp if you don’t want JNDI connections). Now create a new store. Be sure to open up port 1433 on your Windows firewall, or otherwise GeoServer can’t reach it.

Jul 262013

I don’t use my local GlassFish much, so of course: I lost the admin password. Here’s a simple method to be able to log in again.

Start asadmin from the $GLASSFISH/bin folder.

asadmin> list-domains
domain1 not running
Command list-domains executed succesfully.

Next create a domain that does not exist yet. Supply an admin user and password that you can remember!

asadmin> create-domain
Enter the value for the domain_name operand> dummy
Enter admin user name [Enter to accept default "admin" / no password]> admin
Enter the admin password [Enter to accept default of no password]> ******
Enter the admin password again> ******
Using default port 4848 for Admin.
Using default port 8080 for HTTP Instance.
Domain dummy created.
Domain dummy admin port is 4848.
Domain dummy admin user is "admin".
Command create-domain executed successfully.

Now go to the config folder of domain dummy ($GLASSFISH/glassfish/domains/dummy/config). There is a file admin-keyfile. Copy this file to the config folder of your original domain, e.g. domain1 ($GLASSFISH/glassfish/domains/domain1/config). Make sure you make a backup of the original admin-keyfile first.

Confirm that you can log in as admin again. If so, you can safely delete the dummy-domain:

asadmin> delete-domain dummy
Domain dummy deleted.
Command delete-domain executed successfully.
Jun 132013

I’ve never been a real fan of the Eclipse IDE, so Google moving away from it and changing the development environment to IntelliJ IDEA seems a good thing. There’s an early access preview version for those interested. Get version 0.1.1 here, but bear in mind that it’s not feature complete yet.

Aug 062011

Too bad my comment on the original post was deleted. Perhaps they don’t want to know what I had to say, or they don’t like C#? From the top of my head I wrote something like:
The original post.

I created a very simple C# implementation, a console application with hardcoded username/password and select-statement. It roughly has the same speed as the Pro*C (C routine) version, about 1.7 million ALL_SOURCE records in about 57 seconds. C# is a little more appreciated amongst managers, since C# developers are a lot easier to hire than Pro*C developers. Why on earth you want to fiddle around with Java when something needs to be done fast, puzzles me. Even Java 6 (don’t know about 7 yet) does not come close to the performance of .NET, let alone natively compiling languages.

Jun 172011

When installing the Android development toolkit on Windows, you might find yourself stuck on the second screen on the wizard, because the installer can’t find the JDK you installed. The following is not a joke. Press BACK to go to the title screen, press NEXT to return to the second screen, and….voila. The installer found the JDK. Remember, this is NOT a joke.